Blog article

AREA42 TradeTech innovation community launches in Prague

Gregory Gobel - Communications Manager at AREA42Gregory Gobel
August 12, 2022
Four AREA42 entrepreneurs discuss tradetech and innovation at the Community Launch in Prague.

What happens when AREA42 comes to town? TradeTech community building, of course! 

After the successful AREA42 community launches in Brussels and Paris, we opened the gates in Prague on June 28, 2022. Now, we’re excited to share the rundown of the event. And, we’d love to invite you to join our community of TradeTech professionals and enthusiasts.

What is AREA42’s mission?

Lode Vermeersch, Head of AREA42, kicked off the evening by sharing AREA42’s mission and identifying how we are delivering on that.

AREA42’s mission is to create a world where trade is frictionless. How? By embracing TradeTech, which is a new industry that leverages technology to improve B2B trade of goods and services. AREA42 focuses on creating, innovating, and managing solutions for real trade challenges. Lode emphasized that this is a global movement. B2B trade leaders, startups, regulators, and academics are all working together to develop the innovations that improve how trade gets done. 

AREA42 achieves its mission with a three-pronged approach.

  1. Community - building the community online and in person creates knowledge sharing and cooperation, coordination, and potential innovation.
  2. Innovation Lab - supporting and investing in experiments that bring solutions to identified trade challenges.
  3. Accelerator - further investment and mentorship to fast-track experiments that are proving successful to market.

How can we design winning risk management strategies?

Jessica Nemeth, the Product Manager of Terms.Tech, took the mic next. First she described, AREA42’s payment terms solution for payment providers. offers instant credit decisions for buy now, pay later and sell now, cash now while providing a seamless and integrated B2B buying and selling experience.

Jessica took us on a journey through her five critical steps for risk management ideation. From mapping the risks that impact your chances of success to taking advantage of your risk management and turning it into a revenue generator.

How can we create a trustworthy SME ecosystem?

Attention turned to Martina Otčenášová, the Product Manager for Martina focused on building a trustworthy SME ecosystem with as the online enabler to grow your business. 

With a lovely and humorous story about her young son’s recent business-building adventure, Martina demonstrated many of the issues and risks that SMEs face. Martina showed how, AREA42’s PaaS for business empowerment, offers solutions to these problems. 

  • How can SMEs mitigate risk? 
  • How can SMEs demonstrate they are trustworthy? 
  • How can SMEs find reliable business partners?

From networking in the community to access to credit scores, peer reviews, curated services, and more! 

You’ve got an itch to see Martina’s full presentation deck, don’t you? You know what to do! Join our TradeTech Innovation Community Slack. 

How can I join AREA42’s TradeTech Innovation Community?

It’s time to build a better trade world together. Let’s accelerate the potential of TradeTech to make everyone’s lives better. 

So, if you couldn’t make it to the event in Prague, don’t worry! You may have missed the great food and free drinks, but our online community of ‘trade changers’ is waiting for you!

What’s in it for me? Our TradeTech Innovation Community offers you opportunities to:

  • Gather insights
  • Share knowledge
  • Expand your network
  • Discover new opportunities for you and your business
  • Discuss trade’s issues
  • Explore and develop cutting edge trade solutions

We can’t wait to meet you and discuss trade challenges and find solutions together.